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Module kerod.dataset.preprocessing



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import tensorflow as tf

from kerod.core import constants

from kerod.core.standard_fields import BoxField, DatasetField

from kerod.dataset.utils import filter_crowded_boxes, filter_bad_area

from kerod.dataset import augmentation as aug

def resize_to_min_dim(image, short_edge_length, max_dimension):

    """Resize an image given to the min size maintaining the aspect ratio.

    If one of the image dimensions is bigger than the max_dimension after resizing, it will scale

    the image such that its biggest dimension is equal to the max_dimension.

    Arguments :

    - *image*: A np.array of size [height, width, channels].

    - *short_edge_length*: minimum image dimension.

    - *max_dimension*: If the resized largest size is over max_dimension. Will use to max_dimension

    to compute the resizing ratio.


    - *resized_image*: The input image resized with the aspect_ratio preserved in float32


    ValueError: If the max_dimension is above `kerod.core.constants.MAX_IMAGE_SIZE`


    if max_dimension > constants.MAX_IMAGE_DIMENSION:

        raise ValueError(

            f"The max_dimension can only be inferior or equal to {constants.MAX_IMAGE_DIMENSION}")

    shape = tf.shape(image)

    height = tf.cast(shape[0], tf.float32)

    width = tf.cast(shape[1], tf.float32)

    im_size_min = tf.minimum(height, width)

    im_size_max = tf.maximum(height, width)

    scale = short_edge_length / im_size_min

    # Prevent the biggest axis from being more than MAX_SIZE

    if tf.math.round(scale * im_size_max) > max_dimension:

        scale = max_dimension / im_size_max

    target_height = tf.cast(height * scale, dtype=tf.int32)

    target_width = tf.cast(width * scale, dtype=tf.int32)

    return tf.image.resize(tf.expand_dims(image, axis=0),

                           size=[target_height, target_width],


def preprocess(inputs, bgr=True, horizontal_flip=True, random_crop_size=None, padded_mask=False):

    """This operations performs a classical preprocessing operations for localization datasets:

    - COCO

    - Pascal Voc

    You can download easily those dataset using [tensorflow dataset](


    - *inputs*: It can be either a [FeaturesDict]( or a dict.

    but it should have the following structures.


    inputs = FeaturesDict({

        'image': Image(shape=(None, None, 3), dtype=tf.uint8),

        'objects': Sequence({

            'area': Tensor(shape=(), dtype=tf.int64), # area

            'bbox': BBoxFeature(shape=(4,), dtype=tf.float32), # The values are between 0 and 1

            'label': ClassLabel(shape=(), dtype=tf.int64, num_classes=80),




    - *bgr*: Convert your input image to BGR (od.model.faster_rcnn.FasterRcnnFPNResnet50 needs it).

    If you have open your image with `tf.image.decode_image` will open an image in RGB. However,

    OpenCV will open it in BGR by default.

    - *horizontal_flip*: Activate the random horizontal flip.

    - *random_crop_size*: 1-D tensor with size the rank of `image` (e.g: (400, 600, 0)).

    - *padded_mask*: If set to true return a mask of 1 of the image. When padded

    we will know which parts is from the original image.


    - *inputs*:

        1. image: A 3D tensor of float32 and shape [None, None, 3]

        2. image_informations: A 1D tensor of float32 and shape [(height, width),]. It contains the shape

        of the image without any padding. It can be usefull if it followed by a `padded_batch` operations.

        The models needs those information in order to clip the boxes to the proper dimension.

        3. images_padding_mask: If padded_mask set to true return a 2D tensor of int8 and shape [None, None, 3].

        Mask of the image if a padding is performed we will know where the original image was.

    - *ground_truths*:

        1. BoxField.BOXES: A tensor of shape [num_boxes, (y1, x1, y2, x2)] and resized to the image shape

        2. BoxField.LABELS: A tensor of shape [num_boxes, ]

        3. BoxField.NUM_BOXES: A tensor of shape (). It is usefull to unpad the data in case of a batched training


    image = inputs['image'][:, :, ::-1] if bgr else inputs['image']

    image = tf.cast(image, tf.float32)

    targets = inputs['objects']

    if horizontal_flip:

        image, targets[BoxField.BOXES] = aug.random_horizontal_flip(image, targets[BoxField.BOXES])

    if random_crop_size is not None:

        if tf.shape(image)[0] < random_crop_size[0] or tf.shape(image)[1] < random_crop_size[1]:

            image = resize_to_min_dim(image, max(random_crop_size), 1333.0)

        image, targets = aug.random_random_crop(image, random_crop_size, targets)

    if 'is_crowd' in targets:

        targets = filter_crowded_boxes(targets)

    targets = filter_bad_area(targets)

    image = resize_to_min_dim(image, 800.0, 1333.0)

    image_information = tf.cast(tf.shape(image)[:2], dtype=tf.float32)

    inputs = {DatasetField.IMAGES: image, DatasetField.IMAGES_INFO: image_information}

    if padded_mask:

        inputs[DatasetField.IMAGES_PMASK] = tf.ones((tf.shape(image)[0], tf.shape(image)[1]),


    ground_truths = {

        BoxField.BOXES: targets[BoxField.BOXES] * tf.tile(image_information[tf.newaxis], [1, 2]),

        BoxField.LABELS: tf.cast(targets[BoxField.LABELS], tf.int32),

        BoxField.NUM_BOXES: tf.shape(targets[BoxField.LABELS]),

        BoxField.WEIGHTS: tf.fill(tf.shape(targets[BoxField.LABELS]), 1.0)


    return inputs, ground_truths

def expand_dims_for_single_batch(inputs, ground_truths):

    """In order to train your model you need to add a batch dimension to the output of the preprocess

    function. For a single batch operation this method is faster:

    - `expand_dims`:


    ds_train = tfds.load(name="voc", split="train", shuffle_files=True)

    ds_train =,

    ds_train =,


    > Execution time: 0.002636657891998766

    - `batch`


    ds_train = tfds.load(name="voc", split="train", shuffle_files=True)

    ds_train =,

    ds_train = ds_train.batch(1)


    > Execution time: 0.004332915792008862

    - `padded_batch`


    ds_train = tfds.load(name="voc", split="train", shuffle_files=True)

    ds_train =,

    ds_train = ds_train.padded_batch(batch_size, padded_shapes=padded_shapes)


    > Execution time: 0.0055130551019974515


    - *inputs*: The features and the ground_truths are mixed together

        1. DatasetField.IMAGES: A 3D tensor of float32 and shape [None, None, 3]

        2. DatasetField.IMAGES_INFO: A 1D tensor of float32 and shape [(height, width),]. It contains the shape

        of the image without any padding. It can be usefull if it followed by a `padded_batch` operations.

        The models needs those information in order to clip the boxes to the proper dimension.

    - *ground_truths*:

        1. BoxField.BOXES: A tensor of shape [1, num_boxes, (y1, x1, y2, x2)] and resized to the image shape

        2. BoxField.LABELS: A tensor of shape [1, num_boxes, ]

        3. BoxField.NUM_BOXES: A tensor of shape [1, 1]. It is usefull to unpad the data in case of a batched training

        4. BoxField.WEIGHTS: A tensor of shape [1]


    inputs = {

        DatasetField.IMAGES: inputs[DatasetField.IMAGES][None],

        DatasetField.IMAGES_INFO: inputs[DatasetField.IMAGES_INFO][None]


    ground_truths = {

        BoxField.BOXES: ground_truths[BoxField.BOXES][None],

        BoxField.LABELS: ground_truths[BoxField.LABELS][None],

        BoxField.NUM_BOXES: ground_truths[BoxField.NUM_BOXES][None],

        BoxField.WEIGHTS: ground_truths[BoxField.WEIGHTS][None]


    return inputs, ground_truths



def expand_dims_for_single_batch(

In order to train your model you need to add a batch dimension to the output of the preprocess

function. For a single batch operation this method is faster:

  • expand_dims:
ds_train = tfds.load(name="voc", split="train", shuffle_files=True)
ds_train =,
ds_train =,

Execution time: 0.002636657891998766

  • batch
ds_train = tfds.load(name="voc", split="train", shuffle_files=True)
ds_train =,
ds_train = ds_train.batch(1)

Execution time: 0.004332915792008862

  • padded_batch
ds_train = tfds.load(name="voc", split="train", shuffle_files=True)
ds_train =,
ds_train = ds_train.padded_batch(batch_size, padded_shapes=padded_shapes)

Execution time: 0.0055130551019974515


  • inputs: The features and the ground_truths are mixed together

    1. DatasetField.IMAGES: A 3D tensor of float32 and shape [None, None, 3]
    2. DatasetField.IMAGES_INFO: A 1D tensor of float32 and shape [(height, width),]. It contains the shape of the image without any padding. It can be usefull if it followed by a padded_batch operations. The models needs those information in order to clip the boxes to the proper dimension.
  • ground_truths:

    1. BoxField.BOXES: A tensor of shape [1, num_boxes, (y1, x1, y2, x2)] and resized to the image shape
    2. BoxField.LABELS: A tensor of shape [1, num_boxes, ]
    3. BoxField.NUM_BOXES: A tensor of shape [1, 1]. It is usefull to unpad the data in case of a batched training
    4. BoxField.WEIGHTS: A tensor of shape [1]
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def expand_dims_for_single_batch(inputs, ground_truths):

    """In order to train your model you need to add a batch dimension to the output of the preprocess

    function. For a single batch operation this method is faster:

    - `expand_dims`:


    ds_train = tfds.load(name="voc", split="train", shuffle_files=True)

    ds_train =,

    ds_train =,


    > Execution time: 0.002636657891998766

    - `batch`


    ds_train = tfds.load(name="voc", split="train", shuffle_files=True)

    ds_train =,

    ds_train = ds_train.batch(1)


    > Execution time: 0.004332915792008862

    - `padded_batch`


    ds_train = tfds.load(name="voc", split="train", shuffle_files=True)

    ds_train =,

    ds_train = ds_train.padded_batch(batch_size, padded_shapes=padded_shapes)


    > Execution time: 0.0055130551019974515


    - *inputs*: The features and the ground_truths are mixed together

        1. DatasetField.IMAGES: A 3D tensor of float32 and shape [None, None, 3]

        2. DatasetField.IMAGES_INFO: A 1D tensor of float32 and shape [(height, width),]. It contains the shape

        of the image without any padding. It can be usefull if it followed by a `padded_batch` operations.

        The models needs those information in order to clip the boxes to the proper dimension.

    - *ground_truths*:

        1. BoxField.BOXES: A tensor of shape [1, num_boxes, (y1, x1, y2, x2)] and resized to the image shape

        2. BoxField.LABELS: A tensor of shape [1, num_boxes, ]

        3. BoxField.NUM_BOXES: A tensor of shape [1, 1]. It is usefull to unpad the data in case of a batched training

        4. BoxField.WEIGHTS: A tensor of shape [1]


    inputs = {

        DatasetField.IMAGES: inputs[DatasetField.IMAGES][None],

        DatasetField.IMAGES_INFO: inputs[DatasetField.IMAGES_INFO][None]


    ground_truths = {

        BoxField.BOXES: ground_truths[BoxField.BOXES][None],

        BoxField.LABELS: ground_truths[BoxField.LABELS][None],

        BoxField.NUM_BOXES: ground_truths[BoxField.NUM_BOXES][None],

        BoxField.WEIGHTS: ground_truths[BoxField.WEIGHTS][None]


    return inputs, ground_truths


def preprocess(

This operations performs a classical preprocessing operations for localization datasets:

  • COCO
  • Pascal Voc

You can download easily those dataset using tensorflow dataset.


  • inputs: It can be either a FeaturesDict or a dict. but it should have the following structures.
inputs = FeaturesDict({
    'image': Image(shape=(None, None, 3), dtype=tf.uint8),
    'objects': Sequence({
        'area': Tensor(shape=(), dtype=tf.int64), # area
        'bbox': BBoxFeature(shape=(4,), dtype=tf.float32), # The values are between 0 and 1
        'label': ClassLabel(shape=(), dtype=tf.int64, num_classes=80),
  • bgr: Convert your input image to BGR (od.model.faster_rcnn.FasterRcnnFPNResnet50 needs it). If you have open your image with tf.image.decode_image will open an image in RGB. However, OpenCV will open it in BGR by default.

  • horizontal_flip: Activate the random horizontal flip.

  • random_crop_size: 1-D tensor with size the rank of image (e.g: (400, 600, 0)).
  • padded_mask: If set to true return a mask of 1 of the image. When padded we will know which parts is from the original image.


  • inputs:
    1. image: A 3D tensor of float32 and shape [None, None, 3]
    2. image_informations: A 1D tensor of float32 and shape [(height, width),]. It contains the shape of the image without any padding. It can be usefull if it followed by a padded_batch operations. The models needs those information in order to clip the boxes to the proper dimension.
    3. images_padding_mask: If padded_mask set to true return a 2D tensor of int8 and shape [None, None, 3]. Mask of the image if a padding is performed we will know where the original image was.
  • ground_truths:
    1. BoxField.BOXES: A tensor of shape [num_boxes, (y1, x1, y2, x2)] and resized to the image shape
    2. BoxField.LABELS: A tensor of shape [num_boxes, ]
    3. BoxField.NUM_BOXES: A tensor of shape (). It is usefull to unpad the data in case of a batched training
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def preprocess(inputs, bgr=True, horizontal_flip=True, random_crop_size=None, padded_mask=False):

    """This operations performs a classical preprocessing operations for localization datasets:

    - COCO

    - Pascal Voc

    You can download easily those dataset using [tensorflow dataset](


    - *inputs*: It can be either a [FeaturesDict]( or a dict.

    but it should have the following structures.


    inputs = FeaturesDict({

        'image': Image(shape=(None, None, 3), dtype=tf.uint8),

        'objects': Sequence({

            'area': Tensor(shape=(), dtype=tf.int64), # area

            'bbox': BBoxFeature(shape=(4,), dtype=tf.float32), # The values are between 0 and 1

            'label': ClassLabel(shape=(), dtype=tf.int64, num_classes=80),




    - *bgr*: Convert your input image to BGR (od.model.faster_rcnn.FasterRcnnFPNResnet50 needs it).

    If you have open your image with `tf.image.decode_image` will open an image in RGB. However,

    OpenCV will open it in BGR by default.

    - *horizontal_flip*: Activate the random horizontal flip.

    - *random_crop_size*: 1-D tensor with size the rank of `image` (e.g: (400, 600, 0)).

    - *padded_mask*: If set to true return a mask of 1 of the image. When padded

    we will know which parts is from the original image.


    - *inputs*:

        1. image: A 3D tensor of float32 and shape [None, None, 3]

        2. image_informations: A 1D tensor of float32 and shape [(height, width),]. It contains the shape

        of the image without any padding. It can be usefull if it followed by a `padded_batch` operations.

        The models needs those information in order to clip the boxes to the proper dimension.

        3. images_padding_mask: If padded_mask set to true return a 2D tensor of int8 and shape [None, None, 3].

        Mask of the image if a padding is performed we will know where the original image was.

    - *ground_truths*:

        1. BoxField.BOXES: A tensor of shape [num_boxes, (y1, x1, y2, x2)] and resized to the image shape

        2. BoxField.LABELS: A tensor of shape [num_boxes, ]

        3. BoxField.NUM_BOXES: A tensor of shape (). It is usefull to unpad the data in case of a batched training


    image = inputs['image'][:, :, ::-1] if bgr else inputs['image']

    image = tf.cast(image, tf.float32)

    targets = inputs['objects']

    if horizontal_flip:

        image, targets[BoxField.BOXES] = aug.random_horizontal_flip(image, targets[BoxField.BOXES])

    if random_crop_size is not None:

        if tf.shape(image)[0] < random_crop_size[0] or tf.shape(image)[1] < random_crop_size[1]:

            image = resize_to_min_dim(image, max(random_crop_size), 1333.0)

        image, targets = aug.random_random_crop(image, random_crop_size, targets)

    if 'is_crowd' in targets:

        targets = filter_crowded_boxes(targets)

    targets = filter_bad_area(targets)

    image = resize_to_min_dim(image, 800.0, 1333.0)

    image_information = tf.cast(tf.shape(image)[:2], dtype=tf.float32)

    inputs = {DatasetField.IMAGES: image, DatasetField.IMAGES_INFO: image_information}

    if padded_mask:

        inputs[DatasetField.IMAGES_PMASK] = tf.ones((tf.shape(image)[0], tf.shape(image)[1]),


    ground_truths = {

        BoxField.BOXES: targets[BoxField.BOXES] * tf.tile(image_information[tf.newaxis], [1, 2]),

        BoxField.LABELS: tf.cast(targets[BoxField.LABELS], tf.int32),

        BoxField.NUM_BOXES: tf.shape(targets[BoxField.LABELS]),

        BoxField.WEIGHTS: tf.fill(tf.shape(targets[BoxField.LABELS]), 1.0)


    return inputs, ground_truths


def resize_to_min_dim(

Resize an image given to the min size maintaining the aspect ratio.

If one of the image dimensions is bigger than the max_dimension after resizing, it will scale the image such that its biggest dimension is equal to the max_dimension.

Arguments :

  • image: A np.array of size [height, width, channels].
  • short_edge_length: minimum image dimension.
  • max_dimension: If the resized largest size is over max_dimension. Will use to max_dimension to compute the resizing ratio.

Returns: - resized_image: The input image resized with the aspect_ratio preserved in float32


ValueError: If the max_dimension is above kerod.core.constants.MAX_IMAGE_SIZE

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def resize_to_min_dim(image, short_edge_length, max_dimension):

    """Resize an image given to the min size maintaining the aspect ratio.

    If one of the image dimensions is bigger than the max_dimension after resizing, it will scale

    the image such that its biggest dimension is equal to the max_dimension.

    Arguments :

    - *image*: A np.array of size [height, width, channels].

    - *short_edge_length*: minimum image dimension.

    - *max_dimension*: If the resized largest size is over max_dimension. Will use to max_dimension

    to compute the resizing ratio.


    - *resized_image*: The input image resized with the aspect_ratio preserved in float32


    ValueError: If the max_dimension is above `kerod.core.constants.MAX_IMAGE_SIZE`


    if max_dimension > constants.MAX_IMAGE_DIMENSION:

        raise ValueError(

            f"The max_dimension can only be inferior or equal to {constants.MAX_IMAGE_DIMENSION}")

    shape = tf.shape(image)

    height = tf.cast(shape[0], tf.float32)

    width = tf.cast(shape[1], tf.float32)

    im_size_min = tf.minimum(height, width)

    im_size_max = tf.maximum(height, width)

    scale = short_edge_length / im_size_min

    # Prevent the biggest axis from being more than MAX_SIZE

    if tf.math.round(scale * im_size_max) > max_dimension:

        scale = max_dimension / im_size_max

    target_height = tf.cast(height * scale, dtype=tf.int32)

    target_width = tf.cast(width * scale, dtype=tf.int32)

    return tf.image.resize(tf.expand_dims(image, axis=0),

                           size=[target_height, target_width],
