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Module kerod.layers.detection.pooling_ops



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import tensorflow as tf

import tensorflow.keras.layers as KL

from tensorflow.keras import backend as K

from kerod.core.box_ops import (compute_area, normalize_box_coordinates, transform_fpcoor_for_tf)

def _crop_and_resize(tensor, boxes, box_indices, crop_size: int):

    """Taken from tensorpack (

    Aligned version of tf.image.crop_and_resize, following our definition of floating point boxes.


        tensor: A 4-D tensor of shape [batch, image_height, image_width, depth].

            Both image_height and image_width need to be positive.

        boxes: A 2-D tensor of shape [num_boxes, 4].

            The i-th row of the tensor specifies the coordinates of a box in the box_ind[i] image and is

            specified in normalized coordinates [y1, x1, y2, x2]. A normalized coordinate value of y is

            mapped to the image coordinate at y * (image_height - 1), so as the [0, 1] interval of

            normalized image height is mapped to [0, image_height - 1] in image height coordinates.

            We do allow y1 > y2, in which case the sampled crop is an up-down flipped version of the

            original image. The width dimension is treated similarly. Normalized coordinates outside the

            [0, 1] range are allowed, in which case we use extrapolation_value to extrapolate the input

            image values.

        box_indices: A 1-D tensor of shape [num_boxes] with int32 values in [0, batch).

            The value of box_ind[i] specifies the image that the i-th box refers to.

        crop_size: An int representing the ouput size of the crop.


        A 4-D tensor of shape [num_boxes, crop_height, crop_width, depth].


    boxes = tf.stop_gradient(boxes)

    # TF's crop_and_resize produces zeros on border. The symetric padding

    # allows to have a better interpolation for the boxes on the border of the image.

    tensor = tf.pad(tensor, [[0, 0], [1, 1], [1, 1], [0, 0]], mode='SYMMETRIC')

    boxes = boxes + 1

    # Height, width extraction

    tensor_shape = tf.shape(tensor)[1:3]

    # The boxes should be at the size of the input tensor

    boxes = transform_fpcoor_for_tf(boxes, tensor_shape, [crop_size, crop_size])

    ret = tf.image.crop_and_resize(tensor,

                                   tf.cast(boxes, tf.float32), # crop and resize needs float32

                                   tf.cast(box_indices, tf.int32),

                                   crop_size=[crop_size, crop_size])

    return ret

def roi_align(inputs, boxes, box_indices, image_shape, crop_size: int):

    """RoI align like operation from the paper Mask-RCNN.


        inputs: A 4-D tensor of shape [batch, height, tensor_width, depth].

            Both image_height and image_width need to be positive.

        boxes: A 2-D tensor of shape [num_boxes, 4].

            The i-th row of the tensor specifies the coordinates of a box in the box_ind[i] image and is

            specified in normalized coordinates [y1, x1, y2, x2]. A normalized coordinate value of y is

            mapped to the image coordinate at y * (image_height - 1), so as the [0, 1] interval of

            normalized image height is mapped to [0, image_height - 1] in image height coordinates.

            We do allow y1 > y2, in which case the sampled crop is an up-down flipped version of the

            original image. The width dimension is treated similarly. Normalized coordinates outside the

            [0, 1] range are allowed, in which case we use extrapolation_value to extrapolate the input

            image values.

        box_indices: A 1-D tensor of shape [num_boxes] with int32 values in [0, batch).

            The value of box_ind[i] specifies the image that the i-th box refers to.

        image_shape: A tuple with the height and the width of the original image input image

        crop_size: An int representing the ouput size of the crop.


        A 4-D tensor of shape [num_boxes, crop_height, crop_width, depth].


    normalized_boxes = normalize_box_coordinates(boxes, image_shape[0], image_shape[1])

    # Normalized the boxes to the input tensor_shape

    # TODO rewrite this normalization unnomarlization isn't pretty at all

    tensor_shape = tf.shape(inputs)[1:3]

    normalized_boxes *= tf.cast(tf.tile(tensor_shape[None], [1, 2]),


    ret = _crop_and_resize(inputs, normalized_boxes, box_indices, crop_size * 2)

    return KL.AveragePooling2D(padding='same')(ret)

def multilevel_roi_align(inputs, boxes, image_shape, crop_size: int = 7):

    """Perform a batch multilevel roi_align on the inputs


    - *inputs*: A list of tensors of shape [batch_size, width, height, channel]

            representing the pyramid.

    - *boxes*: A tensor  and shape [batch_size, num_boxes, (y1, x1, y2, x2)]

    - *image_shape*: A tuple with the height and the width of the original image input image


    A tensor and shape [batch_size * num_boxes, 7, 7, channel]


    boxes_per_level, box_indices_per_level, pos_per_level = match_boxes_to_their_pyramid_level(

        boxes, len(inputs))

    tensors_per_level = []

    for tensor, target_boxes, box_indices in zip(inputs, boxes_per_level, box_indices_per_level):


            roi_align(tensor, target_boxes, box_indices, image_shape, crop_size))

    tensors = tf.concat(values=tensors_per_level, axis=0)

    original_pos = tf.concat(values=pos_per_level, axis=0)

    # Reorder the tensor per batch

    indices_to_reorder_boxes = tf.math.invert_permutation(original_pos)

    tensors = tf.gather(tensors, indices_to_reorder_boxes)

    return tensors

def match_boxes_to_their_pyramid_level(boxes, num_level):

    """Match the boxes to the proper level based on their area


    - *boxes*: A tensor of shape [batch_size, num_boxes, 4]

    - *num_level*: Number of level of the target pyramid


    - *boxes_per_level*: A list of 2-D tensor and shape [N, 4]

    - *box_indices_per_level*: A list of 1-D tensor with int32 values in [0, batch).

    The value of a box_indices_per_level[lvl][i] specifies the image that the i-th box refers to.

    - *original_pos_per_level* A list of 1-D tensor with int32 values in [0, num_boxes * batch_size)

    It will be useful to reorder our boxes after the roi_align operation.


    def _select_level(tensors, levels):

        return [tf.squeeze(tf.gather(tensors, selected_level), 1) for selected_level in levels]

    batch_size = tf.shape(boxes)[0]

    num_boxes = tf.shape(boxes)[1]

    boxes = tf.reshape(boxes, (-1, 4))

    box_levels = assign_pyramid_level_to_boxes(boxes, num_level)

    box_indices = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(tf.range(0, batch_size), 1), [1, num_boxes])

    box_indices = tf.reshape(box_indices, (-1,))

    box_original_pos = tf.range(batch_size * num_boxes)

    levels = [tf.where(tf.equal(box_levels, i)) for i in range(num_level)]

    boxes_per_level = _select_level(boxes, levels)

    box_indices_per_level = _select_level(box_indices, levels)

    original_pos_per_level = _select_level(box_original_pos, levels)

    return boxes_per_level, box_indices_per_level, original_pos_per_level

def assign_pyramid_level_to_boxes(boxes, num_level, level_target=2):

    """Compute the pyramid level of an RoI


    - *boxes*: A tensor of shape

            [nb_batches * nb_boxes, 4]

    - *num_level*: Assign all the boxes mapped to a superior level to the num_level.

        level_target: Will affect all the boxes of area 224^2 to the level_target of the pyramid.


    A 2-D tensor of type int32 and shape [nb_batches * nb_boxes]

    corresponding to the target level of the pyramid.


    denominator = tf.constant(224, dtype=boxes.dtype)

    area = compute_area(boxes)

    k = level_target + tf.math.log(tf.sqrt(area) / denominator + K.epsilon()) * tf.cast(

        1. / tf.math.log(2.0), dtype=boxes.dtype)

    k = tf.cast(k, tf.int32)

    k = tf.clip_by_value(k, 0, num_level - 1)

    k = tf.reshape(k, [-1])

    return k



def assign_pyramid_level_to_boxes(

Compute the pyramid level of an RoI


  • boxes: A tensor of shape [nb_batches * nb_boxes, 4]
  • num_level: Assign all the boxes mapped to a superior level to the num_level. level_target: Will affect all the boxes of area 224^2 to the level_target of the pyramid.


A 2-D tensor of type int32 and shape [nb_batches * nb_boxes] corresponding to the target level of the pyramid.

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def assign_pyramid_level_to_boxes(boxes, num_level, level_target=2):

    """Compute the pyramid level of an RoI


    - *boxes*: A tensor of shape

            [nb_batches * nb_boxes, 4]

    - *num_level*: Assign all the boxes mapped to a superior level to the num_level.

        level_target: Will affect all the boxes of area 224^2 to the level_target of the pyramid.


    A 2-D tensor of type int32 and shape [nb_batches * nb_boxes]

    corresponding to the target level of the pyramid.


    denominator = tf.constant(224, dtype=boxes.dtype)

    area = compute_area(boxes)

    k = level_target + tf.math.log(tf.sqrt(area) / denominator + K.epsilon()) * tf.cast(

        1. / tf.math.log(2.0), dtype=boxes.dtype)

    k = tf.cast(k, tf.int32)

    k = tf.clip_by_value(k, 0, num_level - 1)

    k = tf.reshape(k, [-1])

    return k


def match_boxes_to_their_pyramid_level(

Match the boxes to the proper level based on their area


  • boxes: A tensor of shape [batch_size, num_boxes, 4]
  • num_level: Number of level of the target pyramid


  • boxes_per_level: A list of 2-D tensor and shape [N, 4]
  • box_indices_per_level: A list of 1-D tensor with int32 values in [0, batch). The value of a box_indices_per_level[lvl][i] specifies the image that the i-th box refers to.
  • original_pos_per_level A list of 1-D tensor with int32 values in [0, num_boxes * batch_size) It will be useful to reorder our boxes after the roi_align operation.
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def match_boxes_to_their_pyramid_level(boxes, num_level):

    """Match the boxes to the proper level based on their area


    - *boxes*: A tensor of shape [batch_size, num_boxes, 4]

    - *num_level*: Number of level of the target pyramid


    - *boxes_per_level*: A list of 2-D tensor and shape [N, 4]

    - *box_indices_per_level*: A list of 1-D tensor with int32 values in [0, batch).

    The value of a box_indices_per_level[lvl][i] specifies the image that the i-th box refers to.

    - *original_pos_per_level* A list of 1-D tensor with int32 values in [0, num_boxes * batch_size)

    It will be useful to reorder our boxes after the roi_align operation.


    def _select_level(tensors, levels):

        return [tf.squeeze(tf.gather(tensors, selected_level), 1) for selected_level in levels]

    batch_size = tf.shape(boxes)[0]

    num_boxes = tf.shape(boxes)[1]

    boxes = tf.reshape(boxes, (-1, 4))

    box_levels = assign_pyramid_level_to_boxes(boxes, num_level)

    box_indices = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(tf.range(0, batch_size), 1), [1, num_boxes])

    box_indices = tf.reshape(box_indices, (-1,))

    box_original_pos = tf.range(batch_size * num_boxes)

    levels = [tf.where(tf.equal(box_levels, i)) for i in range(num_level)]

    boxes_per_level = _select_level(boxes, levels)

    box_indices_per_level = _select_level(box_indices, levels)

    original_pos_per_level = _select_level(box_original_pos, levels)

    return boxes_per_level, box_indices_per_level, original_pos_per_level


def multilevel_roi_align(
    crop_size: int = 7

Perform a batch multilevel roi_align on the inputs


  • inputs: A list of tensors of shape [batch_size, width, height, channel] representing the pyramid.
  • boxes: A tensor and shape [batch_size, num_boxes, (y1, x1, y2, x2)]

  • image_shape: A tuple with the height and the width of the original image input image


A tensor and shape [batch_size * num_boxes, 7, 7, channel]

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def multilevel_roi_align(inputs, boxes, image_shape, crop_size: int = 7):

    """Perform a batch multilevel roi_align on the inputs


    - *inputs*: A list of tensors of shape [batch_size, width, height, channel]

            representing the pyramid.

    - *boxes*: A tensor  and shape [batch_size, num_boxes, (y1, x1, y2, x2)]

    - *image_shape*: A tuple with the height and the width of the original image input image


    A tensor and shape [batch_size * num_boxes, 7, 7, channel]


    boxes_per_level, box_indices_per_level, pos_per_level = match_boxes_to_their_pyramid_level(

        boxes, len(inputs))

    tensors_per_level = []

    for tensor, target_boxes, box_indices in zip(inputs, boxes_per_level, box_indices_per_level):


            roi_align(tensor, target_boxes, box_indices, image_shape, crop_size))

    tensors = tf.concat(values=tensors_per_level, axis=0)

    original_pos = tf.concat(values=pos_per_level, axis=0)

    # Reorder the tensor per batch

    indices_to_reorder_boxes = tf.math.invert_permutation(original_pos)

    tensors = tf.gather(tensors, indices_to_reorder_boxes)

    return tensors


def roi_align(
    crop_size: int

RoI align like operation from the paper Mask-RCNN.


Name Description
inputs A 4-D tensor of shape [batch, height, tensor_width, depth].
Both image_height and image_width need to be positive.
boxes A 2-D tensor of shape [num_boxes, 4].
The i-th row of the tensor specifies the coordinates of a box in the box_ind[i] image and is
specified in normalized coordinates [y1, x1, y2, x2]. A normalized coordinate value of y is
mapped to the image coordinate at y * (image_height - 1), so as the [0, 1] interval of
normalized image height is mapped to [0, image_height - 1] in image height coordinates.
We do allow y1 > y2, in which case the sampled crop is an up-down flipped version of the
original image. The width dimension is treated similarly. Normalized coordinates outside the
[0, 1] range are allowed, in which case we use extrapolation_value to extrapolate the input
image values.
box_indices A 1-D tensor of shape [num_boxes] with int32 values in [0, batch).
The value of box_ind[i] specifies the image that the i-th box refers to.
image_shape A tuple with the height and the width of the original image input image
crop_size An int representing the ouput size of the crop.


Type Description
None A 4-D tensor of shape [num_boxes, crop_height, crop_width, depth].
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def roi_align(inputs, boxes, box_indices, image_shape, crop_size: int):

    """RoI align like operation from the paper Mask-RCNN.


        inputs: A 4-D tensor of shape [batch, height, tensor_width, depth].

            Both image_height and image_width need to be positive.

        boxes: A 2-D tensor of shape [num_boxes, 4].

            The i-th row of the tensor specifies the coordinates of a box in the box_ind[i] image and is

            specified in normalized coordinates [y1, x1, y2, x2]. A normalized coordinate value of y is

            mapped to the image coordinate at y * (image_height - 1), so as the [0, 1] interval of

            normalized image height is mapped to [0, image_height - 1] in image height coordinates.

            We do allow y1 > y2, in which case the sampled crop is an up-down flipped version of the

            original image. The width dimension is treated similarly. Normalized coordinates outside the

            [0, 1] range are allowed, in which case we use extrapolation_value to extrapolate the input

            image values.

        box_indices: A 1-D tensor of shape [num_boxes] with int32 values in [0, batch).

            The value of box_ind[i] specifies the image that the i-th box refers to.

        image_shape: A tuple with the height and the width of the original image input image

        crop_size: An int representing the ouput size of the crop.


        A 4-D tensor of shape [num_boxes, crop_height, crop_width, depth].


    normalized_boxes = normalize_box_coordinates(boxes, image_shape[0], image_shape[1])

    # Normalized the boxes to the input tensor_shape

    # TODO rewrite this normalization unnomarlization isn't pretty at all

    tensor_shape = tf.shape(inputs)[1:3]

    normalized_boxes *= tf.cast(tf.tile(tensor_shape[None], [1, 2]),


    ret = _crop_and_resize(inputs, normalized_boxes, box_indices, crop_size * 2)

    return KL.AveragePooling2D(padding='same')(ret)